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Sharing Our Stories for the Sake of Christ
Have you ever been hesitant to share your story? On this episode of the enCourage podcast, Elizabeth Turnage joins Karen Hodge to talk about how sharing our stories can be an act of worship because God is the author of every person’s story. Elizabeth shares how we can have a “Story Feast” to make sharing our stories easier, because God truly does value every person’s story!

Discussion Questions:

  • How are we wired for story?
  • How does the Bible show us that we were created to love stories?
  • How did Jesus use stories?
  • Do you think you value your story as much as God does?
  • What happens when we share our stories with each other?
  • What are some good questions you have used to draw other’s out?

How to Have a Story Feast Handout

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Elizabeth Turnage

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Check out this episode!