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Building an Arsenal of Truth:

What do a colander, a gavel, a bell and a crown have to do with fighting evil? Today, Tami Resch joins Karen Hodge to remind us that we have a real enemy, but we have weapons that we can use to fight. Find out how Tami has developed her own personal arsenal to remind her of the truth!

Discussion Questions:

  • Why would you need an arsenal of truth?
  • What kinds of weapons does Tami say are good to put in your arsenal?
  • What does Paul say in Eph. 6 and 2 Cor. 10 about the battle we are face each day?
  • How did Tami use the phrase, “The Weight isn’t on You,” in her personal arsenal?
  • How might you fashion those times when God has reminded you of His love in a way to make a weapon to remind you of the truth?

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