We encourage girls third grade and up to join us! This conference is for ALL women—young, single, married and “more seasoned,” as well as your treasured friends. So, gather the women in your circles, plan a special weekend away, and we will save you some seats!

There will be a Saturday morning special session for girls in Grades 3-12 to attend Created for a Purpose. During the other sessions, everyone will be together in the Sanctuary, and we have designed each session to be engaging for all ages.

Annapolis, Maryland
November 15-16, 2024

Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Annapolis

710 Ridgely Avenue
Annapolis, MD

Registration Cost: $100/person; $40 for girls Grades 3-12 and college students. Price includes registration, Saturday lunch, and supplies for Created for a Purpose.

Be sure to visit our main page for more information and answers to questions about the conferences.

Registration Deadline: [Unless we fill sooner]

  • Registration deadlines for Annapolis Conference:
    • Price until 10/7/24 – Early Registration Deadline ($75 for adults, $30 for Grades 3-12 to college)
    • Price from 10/8 to 10/21/24 – Registration Deadline ($100 for adults, $40 for Grades 3-12 to college)

Please read before registering:

  • Please read all descriptions for the Pre-Conferences and for Saturday morning prior to registering.
  • If you cannot find your church name (which is alphabetically listed by the city), please check the “Null” option. You will have an opportunity to include your church name, city and state in section 2 of the registration form.
  • For girls participating in Created for a Purpose on Saturday morning, please indicate the school grade for the 2024-2025 school year (3rd to 12th). Please use the parent’s phone and email on the registration form.
  • If high school young women want to participate in the Jesus, Women, and Sexual Faithfulness workshop on Saturday morning (instead of Created for a Purpose), please ensure the parental permission box is checked on the registration form. To learn more about what will be covered, see the workshop descriptions on the main page.
  • Due to the number of attendees expected, we are unable to accommodate dietary restrictions. In order to help our attendees plan, registrants will receive an email a few weeks prior to the conference with the expected menu and other important details.

Hotels: For out of town guests, this is a suggested list of  hotels near the church; however, you can make reservations at any hotel:

Pre-Conference Opportunities for Adults in Annapolis:

On Friday afternoon from 2-5 pm, we will offer several pre-conference workshops for adults. The cost is $25/person; there is only time to attend one session on Friday afternoon.

  • Women’s Ministry Training – Chandra Oliver
    • Thinking Biblically and Living Covenantally – Our Women’s Ministry Training gives women a framework to think biblically about who God is and who He is calling women to be in the context of home, workplace, and church. It also provides tools to help women cultivate a Word-based and relationally-driven discipleship culture that can help establish, reinvigorate, or tune-up a Women’s Ministry that will strengthen the entire church.
  • Children’s Ministry Training – Katie Flores, B.A. Snider
    • Investing in the Covenant Family – “Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised!” The Psalmist says God makes His greatness known through stories of His mighty deeds (Psalm 145:1-9). The good news of salvation becomes real as we declare the things He has done. The message and method of sharing God’s mighty deeds changes over time, though the privilege (and duty) remains. This preconference considers the opportunities and challenges of telling the next generation the great deeds of the Lord in the various chapters of our lives. If you desire to gain confidence in sharing the glorious deeds of the Lord with the next generation, come join us for this interactive workshop. Walk away with tools in your toolbox for engaging children of all ages.
  • Navigating Sexuality and Gender: Biblical Truth and God’s Compassionate Wisdom – Ellen Dykas
    • Parents’ and Youth Leaders’ Track – Practical guidance on understanding God’s design for sexuality and gender, why and how kids are struggling, and how we can help them grow up living faithfully in Christ while also resisting worldly influences and teaching. Moms and youth leaders: God has given you everything you need to engage this important ministry, as you learn what God has already put in your ‘discipleship tool belt.’
  • Created for a Purpose – Ingram Link (This will be held from 4-5 pm on Friday)
    • Created for a Purpose Ministries exists to train, equip, and resource churches to host creative arts camps for 3rd through 8th grade girls! Daily art projects serve as tangible reminders of biblical truths, and a day-camp structure allows high school, college, and adult women to participate in intergenerational ministry. This pre-conference workshop will share what it looks like for a church to offer Created for a Purpose to its own congregation and larger community. Specifically, the workshop will:
      • Introduce the ministry, presenting an overview of what Created for a Purpose is and how it functions;

      • Walk through big picture logistics: the team you need to assemble, spiritual curriculum, project curriculum, and camp organization;

      • Outline resources host churches have access to when partnering with Created for a Purpose Ministries.
        Our prayer is that through this ministry, God would draw ladies both young and young at heart to himself. We hope you will join us for this workshop!

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