
enCourage Podcast

The enCourage Podcast has one aim, to bring the hope of the gospel to the hearts of women. Host Karen Hodge interviews gifted women from across our denomination, the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), on a variety of topics. We encourage you to search above to find a variety of podcast topics or series to listen to or share with friends. You can subscribe below to have the Podcast delivered to your inbox or subscribe to have it delivered to your phone across a variety of podcast platforms, including iTunes, Spotify, and Google Play where a dose of weekly encouragement drops each Tuesday during the podcast season.

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Better Together Series

Better Together Series Beginning in March, we enCourage you to listen to the Better Together Series. At Leadership Training in February 2023, our theme was Better Together: A Team-based Approach to Women's Ministry. Join us to hear some of the [...]

E-205 SING: Theology Leads to Doxology with Pam Shortness

SING: Theology leads or overflows into Doxology. The SING seven-week series will unpack this idea with female worship leaders and artists. To connect to guests and the special Spotify Playlist go to: https://women.pcacdm.org/sing-series/ SHARE [...]

E-204 SING: Theology Leads to Doxology with Janet Blair

SING: Theology leads or overflows into Doxology. The SING seven-week series will unpack this idea with female worship leaders and artists. To connect to guests and the special Spotify Playlist go to: https://women.pcacdm.org/sing-series/ SHARE [...]

E-203 SING: Theology Leads to Doxology with Vanessa Royer

SING: Theology leads or overflows into Doxology. The SING seven-week series will unpack this idea with female worship leaders and artists. To connect to guests and the special Spotify Playlist go to: https://women.pcacdm.org/sing-series/ SHARE [...]

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