Sanctuary Spectacles Series
Beginning in September, we enCourage you to listen to the Sanctuary Spectacles Series.
We invite you to take a walk or share a cup of coffee with a woman in your church who is different from you. They may have a diverse church background, generation, marital status, or ethnicity. During our eight-week Sanctuary Spectacles series: we will interview a single woman, a minority culture woman, a pastor’s wife, a teen woman, a counselor who will give us insights about women who are suffering from anxiety, depression, or other silent sufferings, a woman who is childless yet a spiritual mother to many, a widow, and a woman who ministers to those who may attend church alone or feel like they are on the margins. The main thing is to posture yourself as a listener and learner so that you may be enriched by gaining a new perspective as your friend shares her view from the pew.
We want to share a Community Cultivation Tool with you.
E-194 Sanctuary Spectacles: Ministry on the margins with Cindy Hennessy
Join host Karen Hodge and gospel friend Cindy Hennessy as she shares her story highlighting her unique view from the pew as we seek to minister to women on the margins in the Church. Click here to download [...]
E-193 Sanctuary Spectacles: Being a widow in the Church with Martha Hansen
Join host Karen Hodge and gospel friend Martha Hansen as she shares her story highlighting her unique view from the pew as a widow in the Church. Click here to download our free Community Cultivation Tool [...]
E-192 Sanctuary Spectacles: Being a childless woman yet a spiritual mother to many in the Church with B.A. Snider
Join host Karen Hodge and gospel friend B.A. Snider as she shares her story highlighting her unique view from the pew as a childless woman yet a spiritual mother to many in the Church. Click here to download our [...]
E-191 Sanctuary Spectacles: Coming alongside women who are struggling in the Church with Dr. Becky Taylor
Join host Karen Hodge and gospel friend Dr. Becky Taylor as she shares her story highlighting her unique view from the pew coming alongside women who are struggling in the Church. Click here to download our free Community [...]
E-190 Sanctuary Spectacles: Being a teenage woman in the Church with Elle Anderson
Join host Karen Hodge and gospel friend Elle Anderson as she shares her story highlighting her unique view from the pew as a teenage woman in the Church. Click here to download our free Community Cultivation Tool [...]
E-189 Sanctuary Spectacles: Being a pastor’s wife in the Church with Meaghan May
Join host Karen Hodge and gospel friend Meaghan May as she shares her story highlighting her unique view from the pew as a pastor's wife in the Church. Click here to download our free Community Cultivation Tool [...]
E-188 Sanctuary Spectacles: Being a minority culture woman in the Church with Vanessa Hawkins
Join host Karen Hodge and gospel friend Vanessa Hawkins as she shares her story highlighting her unique view from the pew as a minority culture woman in the Church. Click here to download our free Community Cultivation Tool [...]
E-187 Sanctuary Spectacles: Being a Single Woman in the Church with Jenilyn Swett
Join host Karen Hodge and gospel friend Jenilyn Swett as she shares her story highlighting her unique view from the pew as a single woman in the Church. Click here to download our free Community Cultivation Tool [...]
Community Cultivation Tool
Community Cultivation Tool