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Shattered–Breaking Free of the Image of Good, to Become the Image of God:

Are you tired of living with that “good girl” mask? Do you long to stop doing and start being? Today, Elizabeth Garn joins Karen Hodge to discuss what it means to be an image bearer of God, and how God didn’t create us to do more, He created us to BE His image.

Discussion Questions:

  • Elizabeth described a time when she realized she just couldn’t be “good” enough? Have you ever felt that way?
  • How does it feel to know that God created you in His image with a purpose?
  • What does Genesis 1 say about the creation of man and woman?
  • How did the fall affect our interactions with other image bearers?
  • How do you struggle to live in the truth that you are created to reflect God in your home, neighborhood, community and even the world?

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Garden to Glory

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