Women’s Ministry Leadership Training
March 5-7, 2026
Our annual Women’s Ministry Leadership Training is designed for women who encourage and equip other women in the Church. It is our aim to come alongside local and presbytery women’s ministry leaders, Bible study teachers, and women who are extending care to women in their church.
Who Should Come? Women’s Ministry Leaders, Bible Study Teachers, Presbytery Women’s Leaders, Directors of Women’s Ministry…really any women who encourage and equip other women.
Registration Fee: $400. Includes registration, Thursday dinner, Friday lunch and dinner. (Does NOT include hotel.) No registrations accepted after 1/13/26.
Before registering, please carefully read the following:
- If you have any questions or trouble registering, please email Kathy Wargo BEFORE making a payment. We are NOT able to process refunds, so it is much better if you ask questions first.
- Church Name: The portal will ask for the name of your church and they are alphabetized by city and then the church name. If your church is not listed, use the NULL option (at the beginning of the “N’s”) and there will be another place on the registration form to include the name of your church. OR…you can click on any church and send an email to Kathy Wargo, kwargo@pcanet.org, and she will correct it on your registration.
- You will choose 2 workshops to attend.
- We are offering a Pre-Conference workshop called “Preparing Your Heart with Art.” It is limited to 50 women. There is no Welcome Lunch this year.
- Registrations are not refundable (unless cancelled prior to 12/31/25), but they are transferrable.
- If you want to register before the early registration deadline but aren’t sure who from your church will be attending, go ahead and register under someone’s name (even multiple registrations), and then you can contact Kathy Wargo to update the names and information once you are sure who will attend.
After registering, you will receive an email with a link to register for the hotel.
Location of Conference: Atlanta Evergreen Lakeside Resort | 4021 Lakeview Drive | Stone Mountain, GA 30083 | 770-879-9900 | atlantaevergreen.com
Location of Conference: Atlanta Evergreen Lakeside Resort | 4021 Lakeview Drive | Stone Mountain, GA 30083 | 770-879-9900 | atlantaevergreen.com
Once you register for the conference, you will receive a link to register for the hotel rooms. The discounted rate of $144/night includes entrance to Stone Mountain Park if you are staying on the property. (Those not staying at the hotel will need to pay $20/day to enter the Park.) As of November 20, King rooms are sold out.
We are at the same location as last year! While it is further from the airport, the property is beautiful! You may want to arrive on Wednesday and enjoy the beauty of Stone Mountain Park. We will provide some information about ways to get from the airport to the property for those who are flying.
IMPORTANT: This year, we will not be able to add rooms once our block is filled. Please be sure to reserve your hotel rooms when you register for the conference. Do NOT reserve a hotel room until you have registered for the conference. No rooming reservations can be made after January 28, 2025.
Thursday, March 5, 2026
- 10:00 am – Optional Pre-Conference Workshop: Preparing Your Heart with Art (additional $10 charge)
- 11:45 am – Registration
- 2:00 pm – General Session #1
- 3:30 pm – Workshop Session #1
- 5:00 pm – Regional Gatherings
- 6:00 pm – Dinner and General Session #2
Friday, March 6, 2026
- 9:00 am – General Session #3
- 10:30 am – Workshops
- 12:15 pm – Lunch: Affinity Groups
- 2:00 pm – Regional Gatherings
- 4:15 pm – Connect Time
- 5:45 pm – Dinner, Tool Talks, and Porch Party
Saturday, March 7, 2026
- 9:00 am – General Session #4
- We will dismiss by 10:30 am
- Unfortunately, we are not able to get a bus service on Wednesday or Thursday to go to Evergreen Lakeside Resort from the ATL airport because of so many different flight arrival times. It is best to get an Uber.
- If you want to take a bus from the hotel to the airport on Saturday morning, leaving right after the conference ends at 10:30 am, please sign up by 1/31/25. We have 20 spots left on the first bus. Sign up here: 2025 LT Bus Service Link for Saturday, 2/22
- Be sure that you have reserved your hotel room. We are not able to make any hotel room reservations at the reduced rate after 1/27/25. https://book.passkey.com/e/50896278
- We have 6 spots remaining for Preparing Your Heart with Art on Thursday morning at 10 am. The cost is $10. Please contact me if you would like to sign up.
- Name tags will be printed soon, so please let me know if you have any workshop changes.
- Entrance to Stone Mountain Park: If you are staying on the property, you do not have to pay to get into Stone Mountain Park. At the entrance, tell them you are with the PCA.
- What should I bring? You may want to bring a bag to carry around your notebook, Bible, etc.
- Will there be exhibitors? Yes, we will have several Committees and Agencies of the PCA represented as exhibitors. We will also have the PCA Bookstore with a wide selection of books for sale.
Keynote Speakers
Team Members
Tatiana Anderson was born and raised in Ukraine, and has been in the PCA for over 25 years, serving in various ministries in her local church, including women’s ministry team, youth and children’s ministries, and small group discipleship. She has taught women’s Bible studies, facilitated women’s ministry small groups, and worked alongside different teams of women within the context of her church’s women’s ministry. Tatiana loves serving her church and sharing the love of Christ with people in her life.
Tatiana has been married to Jonathan for 22 years and together they have three children: Elle (17), Evan (15), and Nadia (13). Tatiana and Jonathan live in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where they are members of Village Seven Presbyterian Church. Together they lead a small group and Tatiana is involved in the church’s women’s ministry. Tatiana also serves on the National Women’s Ministry Team as Regional Advisor for the West. As a family, they enjoy hiking, skiing, paddle boarding and inviting people over to share meals and meaningful conversations.
Teri Anderson and husband Mark belong to Spring Meadows PCA, Las Vegas, NV. They have two adult “kids,” a son-in-law, and enjoy their grandkids often! Teri taught high school English, Computers, and Gifted Education before beginning motherhood and resulting Mary Kay Cosmetics business, currently mentoring women of all ages across the USA. She has served as a Women’s Advisor to the Board of Covenant College, and as an AOII VP and Board member. Locally, Teri has served on her WM Team, taught Sunday School and Bible Study. She has served as a PCA Women’s Ministry Trainer and retreat speaker since 2001.
Creigh Brown is currently on staff as the Women’s Ministry Director at Christ Community Presbyterian Church, in Lakeland FL. She is currently serving as the Regional Advisor for Women’s Ministries in Florida, and also served as the Southwest Florida Presbytery Women’s Ministry Coordinator from 2020 to 2023. Creigh has served her local church in leading discipleship and community groups, teaching Kids’ Worship classes, and leading international missions trips. She and her husband Jamie (a Ruling Elder at CCPC) have been married for 29 years and have been blessed with four children. As those children are growing into adulthood, Creigh and Jamie are enjoying the mysterious transition from parenting adolescent children to walking alongside adult children. Together they enjoy backpacking, saltwater fishing, road trips, and whatever opportunities they have to spend in God’s beautiful creation.
Courtney Denton is married to Alex and has two children, Blakely and Banks. She serves as the Director of Mercy and Women’s Ministries at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Rock Hill, SC and the Mid-Atlantic Regional Advisor on the national PCA women’s ministry team. Courtney is the founder of The Life House Women’s Shelter, desiring to provide help and hope to women in need. Courtney’s heart for serving the needs of others is an outpouring of the mercy, grace and love she has been shown by God. Her desire is to equip and encourage women with the understanding of their God-given design and to live a life transformed by the Gospel. She is the author of KICKSTAND Devotionals. Courtney loves time with her family, Mexican food, shopping, and traveling.
Eden Flora is a member of Christ Presbyterian Church in Oxford, Mississippi. She is the Regional Advisor to the Mid-South. Eden works as a full-time artist, which is inspired by her faith. Additionally, she works as a Registered Art Therapist. Eden is married to her delightful and very tall husband, Gray. They have two beautiful, joyful boys. Eden loves to paint, read, exercise, cook with her recipe club and spend time with family and friends. More information about Eden can be found at www.edenwflora.com.
Karen Hodge serves as the Coordinator for PCA Women’s Ministry, where she seeks to connect women and churches to one another and to sound resources. She is also having the time of her life serving alongside her husband, pastor and best friend Chris, as they serve at Village Seven Presbyterian Church in Colorado Springs, CO. Chris and Karen have two adult children, Anna Grace Botka and Haddon Hodge. She is the host of the enCourage podcast and authored Transformed: Life-taker to Life-giver, Life-giving Leadership (along with Susan Hunt), and Breathe: The Life-giving Oxygen of the Lord’s Prayer.
Susan Hunt is the widow of PCA pastor, Gene Hunt, a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. She is the former PCA Coordinator for Women’s Ministry and author of several books including Heirs of the Covenant, and TRUE, the discipleship curriculum series on biblical womanhood for teen girls. She co-authored Transformed: Life-taker to Life-giver and Life-giving Leadership with Karen Hodge as well as Aging with Grace with Sharon Betters. She has also written several books for children.
Janet LaRocque is a member of Naperville Presbyterian Church in the Chicagoland suburbs and serves on the PCA’s National Women’s team as advisor for the Mid-America Region. She has been involved in Women’s Ministry since a friend invited her to her first ever Bible study in 2007. She has been part of the equipping team, various event teams, a co-leader of the Women’s Servant Team, and now a co-leader of the Titus 2 Discipleship team. She has also loved volunteering in the children’s area and in the church’s ESL program as a conversation partner for many years. She is passionate about encouraging and equipping women to know, love, and display Jesus better every day. In 2015, after over 25 years in public and corporate accounting, Janet joined the staff of NPC as the Director of Finance. Janet has been married to Lee since 1989. They have three adult children and as well as a 8-year old…chocolate lab. She enjoys meeting new people, reading, and traveling.
Meaghan May currently serves under the Committee on Discipleship Ministries (CDM) as the Elders’ Wives Liaison for the Presbyterian Church in America. She is both a Chaplain’s wife and a church planting wife. Meaghan and her husband Reverend Paul May have been married 22 years and counting, love their five kids 16-6, and are living in Colorado where they are planting their third church. You can often find her listening to podcasts, hiking, piling in the minivan on road trips, and experimenting with new recipes. Contact Meaghan at mmay@pcanet.org.
Paula Miles is wife to Kevin, a ruling elder at Clemson Presbyterian, and mother of Wimberly Johnson (married to Charlie), Janie Gotfredson (married to Duncan), Clary (married to Elli), and Judy Livingston (married to Evan). She is also grandmother to 4 grandchildren. Paula grew up in Anderson, SC and graduated from Clemson University. She has experienced the joy of being a full-time homemaker and public school teacher. Studying and teaching God’s Word is her passion, as well as coming alongside women to encourage them to understand their unique design and fulfill their individual callings. Paula is on staff at Clemson Presbyterian as women’s ministry coordinator since 2014, is a conference speaker, and serves on the PCA’s Discipleship Ministries (CDM) National Women’s Ministry Team as a trainer. She enjoys regular exercise, a good cup of coffee, watching sporting events, and investing in the lives of her family and friends.
Connie Miller – Upon graduation from Ole Miss in 1979, Connie and her husband served on staff with CRU at the University of SC serving with Athletes in Action. Mike received a call to serve with Harry Reeder at Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, NC, in 1992 where he served as the Pastor of Global Outreach and Missions. After serving at Christ Covenant they received the call to church plant in Jupiter, FL and founded Sand Harbor PCA. Mike received a call back to Charlotte where he serves once again as the Pastor of Global Outreach and Missions as part of Kevin DeYoung’s pastoral staff at Christ Covenant. Connie presently serves a dual role with the PCA as a National Trainer and the Women’s Ministries International Coordinator having conducted trainings and conferences in Nicaragua, El Salvador, South America, Germany, France, England, Ireland, and Zimbabwe, Africa, Cape Town and Johannesburg, South Africa. She also had the opportunity to co-author the women’s Bible study, Hinged: Vitally Connected To God and His Churchcovering the book of Ephesians. She and Mike just celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary. They have 3 amazing children, Mary Sha, Cate and her husband, Jeff; Mikie and his wife, Megan. “Nonnie” is the name she goes by to their four ADORABLE grandchildren, Bo, Grishie, Mary Cait, and Maggie and #5 is on the way in January. She loves hiking, biking, traveling and spending time with family and friends. Connie is also a local real estate broker with Helen Adams Realty in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Chandra Oliver serves on the PCA Women’s Ministry Team as a trainer and advisor for chaplain and military wives. Originally from Oklahoma, Chandra now resides in North Carolina with her husband Matthew, a teaching elder in the PCA and Army Chaplain at Fort Liberty. Despite frequent moves, Chandra finds stability and purpose in applying the unchanging beauty and hope of Scripture to the unique challenges faced by military spouses. She finds joy in volunteering with fellow Army spouses, leading women’s Bible studies, hosting a supper club, and organizing events for her Army family. Chandra’s ministry is deeply rooted in encouraging others with Biblical truth, a gift she treasures in her transient lifestyle.
Marcie Tuten is married to Chris and together they have three beautiful girls. Marcie has been a part of four different PCA churches in her life and has enjoyed seeing the unity shared doctrine brings to different congregations. Currently, she is a member of ChristChruch Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, GA where she teaches 5-year-old Sunday school, helps facilitate a women’s Bible study, and hosts the homegroup Chris leads. She enjoys drinking coffee, reading good books, and taking walks.
Allison Van Egmond serves as the Women’s Ministry Coordinator at New Life PCA in Escondido, CA and West Coast Regional Advisor on the national team. Her husband is a math teacher and has served as a ruling elder for the last ten years. They have two kids in elementary school. One challenge Allison routinely faces is navigating life with a disabled husband. But through this, she gets to see God’s grace daily as He helps her apply His good Word to life’s challenges. For fun, Allison loves going on camping adventures with her family.
Jamie Voss has been serving as the Women’s Ministry Director at Perimeter Church since 2010 and is the Southeast Regional Advisor. She has been in the PCA for thirty years and has a Masters in Educational Ministries from Covenant Seminary. Jamie became a Christian in college and was on staff with a campus ministry for 17 years, 7 of which she was a missionary overseas in Johannesburg, South Africa. Jamie has been married to Judson for 9 years and they have a 7-year-old girl and a 5-year-old boy.
We are offering an optional Pre-Conference workshop, Preparing Your Heart with Art, with Eden Flora.
Join us as we seek to prepare our hearts before the Lord as we enter into Leadership Training. Together we will spend time reflecting on scripture visually. We will use art materials to create artwork to encourage our hearts. No art experience required. Led by Eden Flora, Registered Art Therapist and Regional Advisor to the Mid-South, and Creigh Brown, Regional Advisor to Florida.
Transportation to Evergreen Lakeside Resort from the airport:
Our Team met at the Evergreen Lakeside Resort in September to plan LT. We experimented with several options to get from the airport, including renting a car, using Uber, and prearranging a car service.
- Get an Uber or Lyft – This is about $50 each way, and if you have several riding with you, it is a good option.
- You can rent a car – Depending on the rate, this is a good option. Usually if you book your car rental well in advance, the price is lower.
- Prearrange a car service – This was more costly.
For those driving, there is a daily entrance fee of $20 to Stone Mountain Park. However, for those staying on the property, you do NOT have to pay; you will say you are with PCA at the entrance booth. (If you are commuting, you will have to pay the fee; we do not have any complimentary passes.)
Check here for answers to often asked questions:
- What time should I arrive? If you are flying, your flight should arrive by noon so that you are at Stone Mountain in time for the conference to begin. You may want to consider flying in on Wednesday. There are beautiful trails to spend some time outside.
- What time does it end on Saturday? The last session will end by 10:30 am. If scheduling a flight after 2 pm, you should have enough time to get to the airport.
- Is there a refrigerator in the room? Yes, there are refrigerators in each room.
- Can I get a refund? No, unfortunately we are not able to give refunds. Here is our policy, and we thank you in advance for not requesting exceptions. CDM Conference Refund Policy: [for conferences over $200] All registrations are transferable without penalty for the same event in the same year. The registrant is responsible to sell (or gift) their registration to another individual and then notify CDM of the change.If you must cancel, a person may choose to use their registration fee as a tax-deductible donation to a CDM scholarship fund. (A scholarship fund specifically designed to offer financial assistance enabling more people to attend CDM training & conferences). If a person would like to donate to this fund, their registration fee would be reclassified as a donation, and they would receive a receipt for their tax-deductible gift.If requesting a refund for cancellations made 6+ weeks prior to the start of the event (by 12/31/24), email kwargo@pcanet.org with your full name and home address. You will receive a refund less a $50 cancellation fee. For cancellations made within 6 weeks of the event, no refund will be provided.
All registrations are transferrable but not refundable.
CDM Conference Refund Policy: [for conferences over $200] All registrations are transferable without penalty. The registrant is responsible to sell (or gift) their registration to another individual and then notify CDM of the change.
If you must cancel, a person may choose to use their registration fee as a tax-deductible donation to a CDM scholarship fund. (A scholarship fund specifically designed to offer financial assistance enabling more people to attend CDM training & conferences). If a person would like to donate to this fund, their registration fee would be reclassified as a donation, and they would receive a receipt for their tax-deductible gift.
If requesting a refund for cancellations made 6+ weeks prior to the start of the event, email kwargo@pcanet.org with your full name and home address. You will receive a refund less a $50 cancellation fee. For cancellations made within 6 weeks of the event, no refund will be provided. Thank you in advance for not requesting exceptions.