BREATHE: The Life-giving Oxygen of the Lord’s Prayer by Karen Hodge

LENGTH: 6 weeks

Description: Breathing is very complex but is primarily a subconscious activity. Yet there is a danger in familiarity. As Christians, we may become casual in our relationship with God, taking His presence for granted. Prayer is a lifeline for believers which God designed to build our relationship with Him and others. He created it to be an ongoing conversation starting with Him speaking to us through His Word and then our responding in prayer. Spiritual vitality begins with inhaling truth and exhaling prayers.

The grand purpose of this six-week Bible study is to consider in the context of community what it might look like if the words of the Lord’s Prayer were written over every aspect of our lives, homes, work, church, and community—to spend time together unpacking how our position in Christ impacts our posture in prayer.

We invite you to take a deep breath . . . and breathe!