Made for More2024-10-14T21:07:05+00:00

We encourage girls third grade and up to join us! This conference is for ALL women—young, single, married and “more seasoned,” as well as your treasured friends. So, gather the women in your circles, plan a special weekend away, and we will save you some seats!

There will be a Saturday morning special session for girls in Grades 3-12 to attend Created for a Purpose. During the other sessions, everyone will be together in the Sanctuary, and we have designed each session to be engaging for all ages.

God’s WORD tells us we are

MORE Purpose • MORE Value  MORE Mission
MORE Hope • MORE Belonging

…than the WORLD could ever offer!

Early Registration Cost: $75/person; $30 for girls Grades 3-12 and college students

Price includes registration, supplies for Created for a Purpose, and lunch on Saturday

Upcoming Prayer Call: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 12:00 Eastern

We gather the first Tuesday of each month via a Zoom call [Click on Zoom link and enter password CDM2024] from 12:00-12:30 pm EST to pray for the Spirit to prepare the hearts of women third grade and up to live out the made for more life God designed. Fill out the form below to sign up for notifications about the prayer time.

Please join us in praying:

  • That girls and women would be able to attend and participate in the offered cohorts, trainings, and conferences.
  • The Holy Spirit would use those platforms to transform girls’ and women’s hearts and they would bear gospel fruit in their schools, homes, churches, and communities.
  • That God would bind Satan’s efforts to block sound teaching and gospel community.
  • That our girls and women would grow and flourish in their biblically defined roles and God-given design for womanhood, using their gifts to support the worship and work of the Church.
  • That God would provide the resources needed to accomplish all that He is calling us to do.
  • That God would smooth the way for all of the logistics of planning 8 conferences in 8 cities.
  • That God would give the local planning teams joy, wisdom, and creativity in decision-making and planning.

Upcoming dates for prayer: 11/5/24, 12/3/24, 1/7/25, 2/4/25, 3/4/25, 4/1/25

Come join us as we explore how God MADE US FOR MORE because of our creation design, gospel identity, and inter-generational friendships.

We live in a culture of “not-enoughness.” We feel the lack of not enough time, energy, relationships, or resources. Our hearts cry, “I need, I want, or I deserve more!” Are you driven to accumulate more “likes” on your social media or influence over others? Maybe you are exhausted by a never-ending quest for peace amid anxiety. This ideology of scarcity underscores our need to consider the sufficiency or “enoughness” of God’s character and purpose. We’ll be talking about creation design, gospel identity, and the joy of inter-generational friendships. We will explore how satisfaction, significance, and sufficiency can only be found by seeking our Savior.


Friday, 2:00-5:00 pm – Pre-Conference Trainings (See specific locations for options; below is an overview)

  • Women’s Ministry Training – Presented by a Women’s Ministry Trainer
    • Thinking Biblically and Living Covenantally – Our Women’s Ministry Training gives women a framework to think biblically about who God is and who He is calling women to be in the context of home, workplace, and church. It also provides tools to help women cultivate a Word-based and relationally-driven discipleship culture that can help establish, reinvigorate, or tune-up a Women’s Ministry that will strengthen the entire church.
  • Children’s Ministry Training – Katie Flores, B.A. Snider
    • Investing in the Covenant Family – “Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised!” The Psalmist says God makes His greatness known through stories of His mighty deeds (Psalm 145:1-9). The good news of salvation becomes real as we declare the things He has done. The message and method of sharing God’s mighty deeds changes over time, though the privilege (and duty) remains. This preconference considers the opportunities and challenges of telling the next generation the great deeds of the Lord in the various chapters of our lives. If you desire to gain confidence in sharing the glorious deeds of the Lord with the next generation, come join us for this interactive workshop. Walk away with tools in your toolbox for engaging children of all ages.
  • Navigating Sexuality and Gender: Biblical Truth and God’s Compassionate Wisdom – Ellen Dykas
    • Parents’ and Youth Leaders’ Track – Practical guidance on understanding God’s design for sexuality and gender, why and how kids are struggling, and how we can help them grow up living faithfully in Christ while also resisting worldly influences and teaching. Moms and youth leaders: God has given you everything you need to engage this important ministry, as you learn what God has already put in your ‘discipleship tool belt.’
  • Created for a Purpose – Ingram Link (This will be held from 4-5 pm on Friday)
    • Created for a Purpose Ministries exists to train, equip, and resource churches to host creative arts camps for 3rd through 8th grade girls! Daily art projects serve as tangible reminders of biblical truths, and a day-camp structure allows high school, college, and adult women to participate in intergenerational ministry. This pre-conference workshop will share what it looks like for a church to offer Created for a Purpose to its own congregation and larger community. Specifically, the workshop will:
      • Introduce the ministry, presenting an overview of what Created for a Purpose is and how it functions;

      • Walk through big picture logistics: the team you need to assemble, spiritual curriculum, project curriculum, and camp organization;

      • Outline resources host churches have access to when partnering with Created for a Purpose Ministries.
        Our prayer is that through this ministry, God would draw ladies both young and young at heart to himself. We hope you will join us for this workshop!

Friday, 7:00-8:30 pm

  • Session 1, Creation Design with Paula Miles: Why am I here? What is my purpose? If we are honest, these are questions that women everywhere (including you and me) are asking. Many of us are weary of the world’s answers. We find them empty and unsatisfying. So what do we do?  We look to our Creator, the One who fashioned and formed us. He has provided answers for us in His Word, full of hope and deeply satisfying. We are created in His image, uniquely designed female, with great love and purpose. Though distorted by sin, He has provided through Jesus a way for us to daily live out our creation design and purpose.  As the Spirit grows us in our understanding and ability to walk in light of these truths, we will experience real joy and freedom as women, being exactly who we were created to be. You were made for more!

Saturday, 9:00 am to 2:30 pm

  • Session 2, Gospel Identity with Ellen Dykas: Who are you? Who am I? These important questions get at the heart of identity. The Bible has a lot to say about our identity as girls, women and…people made in God’s image! The world’s voice (and maybe friends, books, music artists, etc.) tries to convince us that our body size/shape, feelings, likes/dislikes, or friend group, or personal ideas are what identify us, God says that we only know who we really are when we understand who Jesus is and what He can make us to be. Our identity as loved, unique, chosen and delighted in daughters of God is better than anything the world has to offer…and it will never change!
  • Session 3: [Girls will go to Created for a Purpose and Adults will go to Ellen Dykas’ second talk]
    • Created for a Purpose (for girls grades 3-12): Created for a Purpose will be a time for girls to worship and sing together, have fun, and learn to create something new! We will begin our time just like we would at a Created for a Purpose camp: dancing and singing together to worship songs! Our founder and Director of Created for a Purpose Ministries, Ingram Link, will lead a brief teaching time, encouraging them from the gospel of Matthew. We will think about reasons why we might be anxious, and how we can take comfort in the love and provision of God, our Creator! After worship and teaching, the girls will spend time creating as they learn the art of Iris Folding! Using one-of-a-kind, original patterns developed by Created for a Purpose staff, girls will complete a keepsake art project to take home. It is our hope and prayer that our time spent with the girls plants seeds of truth that continue to grow in their hearts, reminding them that they are created for a purpose!
    • Jesus, Women, and Sexual Faithfulness: What This Means and Why It Matters with Ellen Dykas (for adults): What is sexual faithfulness, as unmarried and married women, and what does Jesus have to do with it? Jesus didn’t shy away from these topics and the gospels reveal our Savior as a gentle, pursuing, seeing, and healing Lord who cares about women in their experiences of brokenness. This break out time will show how our faithful Lord is what women need regarding sexual integrity, healing from painful relational experiences, and a living hope to grow towards wholeness and transformation.
  • Session 4, Walking Each Other Home: The Joy of Intergenerational Friendships with Karen Hodge: Who or what is profoundly shaping your life? Where are you headed, and who are you following? In a world plagued by an epidemic of loneliness and isolation, we were made for more meaningful connections than the world can offer. We invite you to take a step on this journey of cultivating intergenerational friendships with those a few steps ahead of you and those alongside us as we live shoulder-to-shoulder. We were not made to be alone but rather created to experience the rich joy that can be found along the way as we share the gospel and our lives together.


Ellen Dykas received her MA in Biblical Studies from Covenant Theological Seminary and a graduate certificate in biblical Counseling from the Christian Counseling and Education Foundation(CCEF). She serves as the Director of Equipping for Ministry to Women for Harvest USA, a national ministry focused on gospel-centered discipleship and teaching regarding sexuality and gender. Ellen loves ministry to women and is most passionate about mentoring, teaching God’s Word and spiritually nurturing others to walk deeply with Jesus. New Life Presbyterian in Dresher, PA, is her home church.

Karen Hodge serves as the Coordinator for PCA Women’s Ministry, where she seeks to connect women and churches to one another and to sound resources. She is also having the time of her life serving alongside her husband, pastor and best friend Chris, at Village Seven Presbyterian Church in Colorado Springs. Chris and Karen have two adult children, Anna Grace Botka and Haddon Hodge. She is the host of the enCourage podcast and along with Susan Hunt, authored Transformed: Life-taker to Life-giver and Life-giving Leadership.

Ingram Link serves as the Director of Women’s Ministries at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, AL. She is also the founder and Director of Created for a Purpose Ministries. She and her husband, David are recent empty nesters who enjoy cooking and hosting people in their home.  They have 3 grown children, Lucy Anne (Dallas), Hank (Auburn), Elizabeth (NYC) and Sallie James is a student at Ole Miss. Ingram loves to read, especially in a beach chair on 30A, hike and visit with friends. You can follow her on Instagram

Paula Miles is wife to Kevin, a ruling elder at Clemson Presbyterian, and mother of Wimberly Johnson (married to Charlie), Janie Gotfredson (married to Duncan), Clary (married to Elli), and Judy Livingston (married to Evan). She is also grandmother to 3 boys and has another grandchild on the way. Paula grew up in Anderson, SC and graduated from Clemson University. She has experienced the joy of being a full-time homemaker and public school teacher. Studying and teaching God’s Word is her passion, as well as coming alongside women to encourage them to understand their unique design and fulfill their individual callings. Paula is on staff at Clemson Presbyterian as women’s ministry coordinator since 2014, is a conference speaker, and serves on the PCA’s Discipleship Ministries (CDM) National Women’s Ministry Team as a trainer. She enjoys regular exercise, a good cup of coffee, watching sporting events, and investing in the lives of her family and friends.

Click on the individual location for more details and to register for the remaining conferences.

Colorado Springs Flyer Colorado Springs, CO October 18-19, 2024 Village Seven Presbyterian Church 4040 South Nonchalant Circle Colorado Springs, CO Early Registration Cost: $75/person; $30 for girls Grades 3-12 and college [...]

Naples Flyer Naples, Florida November 8-9, 2024 Covenant Church of Naples 6926 Trail Boulevard Naples, FL Registration Cost until 10/21: $100/person; $40 for girls Grades 3-12 and college students. Price [...]

Annapolis Flyer Annapolis, Maryland November 15-16, 2024 Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Annapolis 710 Ridgely Avenue Annapolis, MD Registration Cost: $100/person; $40 for girls Grades 3-12 and college students. Price includes registration, [...]

Charlotte Flyer Charlotte, North Carolina January 31-February 1, 2025 Christ Covenant Church 800 Fullwood Lane Matthews, NC Early Registration Cost: $75/person; $30 for girls Grades 3-12 and college students. Price includes [...]

Dallas Flyer Dallas, Texas April 4-5, 2025 Park Cities Presbyterian Church 4124 Oak Lawn Avenue Dallas, TX Early Registration Cost: $75/person; $30 for girls Grades 3-12 and college students. Price includes [...]

Chicago Flyer Chicago, Illinois May 2-3, 2025 Naperville Presbyterian Church 943 Sanctuary Lane Naperville, IL Early Registration Cost: $75/person; $30 for girls Grades 3-12 and college students. Price includes registration, Saturday lunch, [...]

Would you like to learn more about the Made for More Conferences?

If so, please sign up and we will be in touch!

Made for More Conference

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Made for More Ambassador

Would you help us gather a group of women from third grade up from your church to attend?

Top Ten Things to Consider:

  1. Get permission from your church leaders to promote the conference and set up a table for registration.
  2. Use the social media pieces, as well as the save-the-date cards, to spread the word.
  3. Consider making the Made for More conference your church’s annual retreat or conference. Hey, we already have the speakers, food, and recommended hotels.
  4. Make a note of the conference date nearest you and begin at least four months prior to advertise the conference.
  5. Make a note of the early and regular registration dates and prices for your city. The prices go up, and sometimes conferences sell out. Early registration prices are $75 for women and $30 for third grade to college women.
  6. Share how this could be a unique weekend for mothers and daughters, grandmothers and granddaughters, and spiritual mothers and spiritual daughters. Brainstorm about how you can carpool and make this a special get away weekend for the women in your church.
  7. Take note that there are special pre-conference workshops for women’s ministry training, children’s ministry training, and one from Harvest USA.
  8. Pray that this conference will just be the beginning of having these types of conversations across the generations with the women in your church. We will give you resources to continue cultivating this type of intergenerational culture in your churches.
  9. And don’t forget the snacks. What are you going to pack in the car for your road trip?
  10. Anything not covered above? You can email Kathy Wargo.

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