Project Description

Questions to Connect Around:

  1. What are several tangible ways that you are seeking to bring the hope of the gospel to your own heart as a Women’s Ministry leader?
  2. How are you seeking to be cross-centered and gospel-driven in your Women’s Ministry as you select Bible study content, disciple women one on one, or as you plan events?
  3. Reflect over this last year in your Women’s Ministry as to evidences of growth in the gospel both individually and corporately.
  4. You have just viewed a one and half minute summary of the gospel. When is the last time you challenged yourself to articulate the gospel in a concise and winsome way?  Take some time rehearsing the truths of the gospel with each other so that it can remain fresh and relevant not only to you, but also as you have occasion to share it with others.

Helpful Resources:

  • Beyond Duct Tape–Holding the Heart Together in the Life of Ministry by Shari Thomas and Tami Resch
  • Parakaleo— A ministry under Mission to North America (PCA) that seeks to live out it’s name—to come alongside church planting spouses bringing the hope of the gospel to their hearts. They do this through Celebrating, Coaching, Connecting, and Caring for these women through regional networks, training opportunities, and gospel centered resources.

About Abby Hutto:

Abby serves as the Director of Women’s Ministry at Story Presbyterian in the suburbs of Columbus, OH. Abby teaches Bible studies at her church, speaks at women’s conferences and retreats, and writes her own Bible studies. She also serves as a teacher and trainer for Parakaleo.