Modeling a Life of Surrender

KATIE FLORES|GUEST When I was a little girl, I enjoyed hanging posters on my wall. Some of them were more edifying than others, but one of my favorites had a picture of a rainbow with the words from Philippians 1:6: “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” When I felt discouraged or needed a bit of courage, these words reminded me that God was at work in my life, and He would bring His plans to completion. These words still bring me comfort. I now have a daughter of my own, and we remind each other of this truth on a weekly basis because it’s so easy to forget. So often, I start to believe the lie that everything depends on me, that I’ve got to figure everything out on my own. When I believe this, my hands grip tightly to anything that makes me feel like I have control rather than holding my hands open in a posture of surrender. I may start searching the internet when I don’t feel like I have enough information. Not enough money? I begin to hoard rather than trust God for His provision. When I experience the limits of my time, I somehow find myself mindlessly scrolling my social media feed, rather than stewarding my time well. It’s discouraging that these things give me the illusion of control, while the Sovereign King of the Universe is watching me strive rather than resting in Him. But my daughter is watching me. My son is watching as well. The children I teach in Sunday School are watching. They all watch to see if my actions match my words. My words tell them that we worship a Mighty God who is sitting on His throne ruling the world. Do my actions show them I believe this to be true?...

Modeling a Life of Surrender2024-05-20T17:35:02+00:00
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