Many of us may remember Sunday school stories of the Garden of Eden, Moses and the Red Sea, and David and Goliath. But after King Solomon things get fuzzy. In What A Royal Mess we examine Bible history’s “black hole” that swirls around the split of Israel and Judah. Studying 1 & 2 Kings is particularly refreshing.
Refreshing? A strange word to use when studying the train wrecks of Kings. But God’s people, myself included, seem to have a knack for getting in messes—in our families, in our workplace, in our churches. The books of 1 & 2 Kings remind us how God works despite His kings’ messes and that sin cannot derail His plan of redemption.
In addition to the book What A Royal Mess, Susan Tyner recorded 10 videos (one for each chapter) that can be used for individual or group study.
You can purchase the videos for streaming at The cost is only $15 for individual use (for all 10 videos) or $75 for a church to use to show to a group. [If a church purchases access, you may share your log-in information with others in your church if they want to view them from home.] Susan Tyner is the teacher on the videos, and here are the lengths of each video:
Week 1 – 32 minutes
Week 2 – 22 minutes
Week 3 – 27 minutes
Week 4 – 35 minutes
Week 5 – 28 minutes
Week 6 – 28 minutes
Week 7 – 30 minutes
Week 8 – 34 minutes
Week 9 – 24 minutes
Week 10 – 34 minutes
Susan Tyner invites you to join the study!
Verses to go with each chapter
(You can save the images)