Better Together Series
Beginning in March, we enCourage you to listen to the Better Together Series.
At Leadership Training in February 2023, our theme was Better Together: A Team-based Approach to Women’s Ministry. Join us to hear some of the keynotes and workshops.
E-228 A Gospel Conversation Among Friends-Taste and See Seminar GA 2023
2023 General Assembly Taste and See Seminar A Gospel Conversation Among Friends with Meaghan May, Tara Gibbs, Susan Tyner, Charlotte McKnight, and Pey Chu SHARE US Share us on Facebook or Instagram. Just save [...]
E-227 Something Worth Being Afraid of with Nancy Guthrie-Women’s Luncheon GA 2023
2023 General Assembly Women's Luncheon Something Worth Being Afraid of with Nancy Guthrie SHARE US Share us on Facebook or Instagram. Just save the graphic below, or you can go to enCourage Women Facebook [...]
E-226 Because God has Spoken with Nancy Guthrie-Taste & See Seminars at GA 2023
General Assembly Taste and See Seminar Because God has Spoken with Nancy Guthrie SHARE US Share us on Facebook or Instagram. Just save the graphic below, or you can go to enCourage Women Facebook [...]
Better Together: A Team-Based Approach to Women’s Ministry Resources
We are happy to offer you resources provided at Women’s Ministry Leadership Training 2023 Audio from Keynotes and Workshops * Leadership Training Keynote and Workshop Handouts * Devotionals to use with your team * Better Together e-book [...]
E-211 Better Together: A Team Based Approach to Women’s Ministry-Core Values with Susan Hunt
If you have enjoyed learning during this podcast, well there’s more where that came from. I encourage you to check out our website: women.pcacdm.org and click on resources to find tools that will help you strengthen your Church [...]
E-210 Better Together: A Team Based Approach to Women’s Ministry-Cultivating Leaders with Cheryl Mullis
If you have enjoyed learning during this podcast, well there’s more where that came from. I encourage you to check out our website: women.pcacdm.org and click on resources to find tools that will help you strengthen your Church [...]
E-209 Better Together: A Team Based Approach to Women’s Ministry-Communication with Susan Tyner
If you have enjoyed learning during this podcast, well there’s more where that came from. I encourage you to check out our website: women.pcacdm.org and click on resources to find tools that will help you strengthen your Church [...]
Creating Rhythms of Prayer Vanessa K. Hawkins and Carrie Mills
Better Together: Creating Rhythms of Prayer - Vanessa K. Hawkins and Carrie Mills
Celebration Tatiana Anderson
Better Together: Celebration - Tatiana Anderson
Stewardship Chandra Oliver
Better Together: Stewardship - Chandra Oliver
Cultivating Leaders Cheryl Mullis and Teri Anderson
Better Together: Cultivating Leaders - Cheryl Mullis and Teri Anderson
Creating Community Shea Patrick and Courtney Denton
Better Together: Creating Community - Shea Patrick and Courtney Denton
Communication Susan Tyner and Paula Miles
Better Together: Communication - Susan Tyner and Paula Miles
Collaboration Jamie Voss and Marcie Tuten
Better Together: Collaboration - Jamie Voss and Marcie Tuten
Community Men and Women Serving Together QA with Chris Karen Hodge Meaghan May
Better Together: Community. Men and Women Serving Together Q&A with Chris Hodge, Karen Hodge, and Meaghan May
E-208 Better Together: A Team Based Approach to Women’s Ministry-Moses and his Team with Chris Hodge
If you have enjoyed learning during this podcast, well there’s more where that came from. I encourage you to check out our website: women.pcacdm.org and click on resources to find tools that will help you strengthen your Church [...]