Women’s Recommended 2023 Summer Study…that can be used any time! The videos and discussion questions will remain available.
There is no charge to watch the videos.
Weekly Content
Click below for the Weekly Discussion Questions, Videos, and other information.
Here are the featured songs for each week’s lesson, plus a few of Karen’s favorites too. We invite you to sing along.
Spotify Playlist
Weekly Content: Link for Video; Link for Podcast; Link for weekly email
If you want to listen to the teaching, you can subscribe to the enCourage Podcast iTunes here or the podcast platform of your choice.
Discussion Questions: Click here to download the PDF of entrusted Discussion Week One
- Sound doctrine leads to sound and healthy churches, homes, and living.
- False teaching leads to doctrinal drift.
- The glorious gospel has been entrusted to us to invest for His kingdom.
The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. — 1 Timothy 1:5
- How has being embodied with God’s people shaped you?
- Share examples of how you have seen sound doctrine lead to sound or healthy churches, homes, and living.
- Share examples of how you have seen false teaching lead to doctrinal drift.
- What attitudes and behaviors will be present when we have doctrinal drift? (See 1 Timothy 1:3-4)
- Review the definition of stewardship: “Something of inestimable value entrusted by the King to be invested for Kingdom purposes.” Consider an inventory of what you have been entrusted with (time, talents, or truths) and share one or two examples. Discuss what it looks like to be a faithful steward.
- How does assuming the same posture as Paul (fellow sinner saved by grace and saint) cultivate Gospel culture in a Church? (See 1 Timothy 1:12-16)
- How does Theology lead to doxology? How do we get others singing with us? (See 1 Timothy 1: 17-20)
Thinking Biblically: Share one or two ways that reading chapter one and studying days one–four helps you to think biblically. (See pp. 26-35)
Living Covenantally: Share at least one of your personal reflections from day five and record the reflections of those from your group in your book. (See pp. 36-37)
- Characteristics of the Covenant
- Church Descriptions
- Stop—Look—Listen—Lean
Share your stewardship prayer: Thank You, God, for entrusting me with _____________________________
Give me the grace to invest it for Your glory and the good of Your Church in the following ways this week: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Record your prayers for your covenant community, church leaders, and your personal prayer requests on p. 37 and then pray for one another.
Weekly Content: Link for Video; Link for Podcast (available 6/5)
If you want to listen to the teaching, you can subscribe to the enCourage Podcast iTunes here or the podcast platform of your choice.
Discussion Questions: Click here to download the PDF of entrusted Discussion Week Two
- Prayers for all people align us with the heart of God.
- Godliness reflects the characteristics of our covenant God in the context of the community.
- Godliness is displayed by the overflow of a woman’s heart into the proper attire and attitude.
- Our vertical surrender overflows into horizontal service to His Church.
But with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works. — 1 Timothy 2:10
- What does prayerful dependence look like in your life right now?
- Share the impact Christ serving as your Mediator has had on you personally. (See p. 47)
- Reflect on the word “godliness” which is formed from two words: God and worship. It is a life totally devoted to God. Godliness reflects the characteristics of our covenant God in the context of the community. How have you seen godliness stand out in a corrosive culture?
- Our culture runs on an economy of externalization. We may seek our identity and worth in how we look or are perceived by others. Discuss how you have seen this to be true. What would it look like for you to ask: How can I glorify God today in my attire and attitudes? What would it look like for your life to be more about “look at Him” versus “look at me?’
- Read 1 Timothy 2:11-12 and the quote on the bottom of p. 45 from the Ad Interim Committee. Discuss how this passage can be challenging. Share examples of how you have seen women be life-giving leaders whose gifts have strengthened the church.
- Refer to the Covenantal Framework for Biblical Womanhood on p. 22. Now share one or two examples from pp. 48-51 on how you have seen women serve as a helper and life-giver in the home and church.
Thinking Biblically: Share one or two ways that reading chapter two and studying days one–four helps you to think biblically. (See pp. 47-51)
Living Covenantally: Share at least one of your personal reflections from day five and record the reflections of those from your group in your book. (See pp. 51-53)
- Characteristics of the Covenant
- Church Descriptions
- Stop—Look—Listen—Lean
Share your stewardship prayer: Thank You, God, for entrusting me with _____________________________
Give me the grace to invest it for Your glory and the good of Your Church in the following ways this week: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Record your prayers for your covenant community, church leaders, and personal prayer requests on p. 52 and then pray for one another.
Weekly Content: Link for Video; Link for Podcast; Link for weekly email
If you want to listen to the teaching, you can subscribe to the enCourage Podcast iTunes here or the podcast platform of your choice.
Discussion Questions: Click here to download the PDF of entrusted Discussion Week Three
- Understanding the qualities of overseers/elders and deacons should drive us to prayer rather than criticism.
- A central theme of 1 Timothy is understanding how we should relate to one another in the household of God.
- The mystery of godliness is great, but seeking to understand the person and work of Jesus Christ makes it possible.
If I delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth. — 1 Timothy 3:15
- How has your life been shaped by a teaching or ruling elder or one of their wives? What is one characteristic that they possessed that you were inclined to emulate?
- Read 1 Timothy 3:1-7. Which characteristic of an overseer/elder stands out to you and why? How does reading this passage shape our prayers and opportunities to serve alongside our elders?
- Discuss how Christ is our reference point for Servant Leadership. (Read Mark 10:45)
- Read 1 Timothy 3:8-13. Which characteristic of a deacon stands out to you and why? Share a story about how you have seen women involved in serving or diaconal work in the life of your church.
- Why is it essential for women in the Church to be Word-based? Describe an example of how you have seen a woman stand securely on the buttress of truth.
- Why is it important for women in the church to be relationally-driven? Describe an example of how you have seen a women lift others’ eyes up to sound doctrine and then serve as a connector to God and one another.
Thinking Biblically: Share one or two ways that reading chapter three and studying days one–four helps you to think biblically. (See pp. 62-65)
Living Covenantally: Share at least one of your personal reflections from day five and record the reflections of those from your group in your book. (See pp. 66-68)
- Characteristics of the Covenant
- Church Descriptions
- Stop—Look—Listen—Lean
Share your stewardship prayer: Thank You, God, for entrusting me with _____________________________
Give me the grace to invest it for Your glory and the good of Your Church in the following ways this week: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Record your prayers for your covenant community, church leaders, and personal prayer requests on p. 67 and then pray for one another.
Weekly Content: Link for Video; Link for Podcast; Link for weekly email
If you want to listen to the teaching, you can subscribe to the enCourage Podcast iTunes here or the podcast platform of your choice.
Discussion Questions: Click here to download the PDF of entrusted Discussion Week Four
- Listening to and believing lies leads to a cauterized conscience.
- Thinking biblically is investing in training that is not just for temporal gain but rather for an eternal impact.
- Training in godliness is not just for personal gain but for everyone in your covenant community.
Rather train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. — 1 Timothy 4:7b-8
- Reflect on your perception of the current state of the church here in America, and then share why you think some fall away from being connected to their church family.
- Why do you think it is so important for your women’s ministry to be Word-based to help women think biblically? What are the alternatives?
- Have you ever experienced how listening to and believing lies leads to a cauterized conscience where the searing creates a hardened or callous mark where we can no longer feel what is right or wrong? Share your story.
- Training towards godliness (devotion to God) begins by studying His Word. Describe how this training has both temporal and eternal gain.
- Why is it better to unpack the content of the gospel in the context of community?
- How is training in godliness not just for personal gain but for everyone in your covenant community?
- Read 1 Timothy 4:11-16 and take note of all the active faith words. Do any stand out to you?
- Share one way you can encourage others to train for the long race and be faithful to the finish. (Read Hebrews 12:1-2 & Galatians 6:9)
Thinking Biblically: Share one or two ways that reading chapter four and studying days one–four helps you to think biblically. (See pp. 76-78)
Living Covenantally: Share at least one of your personal reflections from day five and record the reflections of those from your group in your book. (See pp. 78-80)
- Characteristics of the Covenant
- Church Descriptions
- Stop—Look—Listen—Lean
Share your stewardship prayer: Thank You, God, for entrusting me with _____________________________
Give me the grace to invest it for Your glory and the good of Your Church in the following ways this week: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Record your prayers for your covenant community, church leaders, and personal prayer requests on p. 79 and then pray for one another.
Weekly Content: Link for Video; Link for Podcast; Link for eblast
If you want to listen to the teaching, you can subscribe to the enCourage Podcast iTunes here or the podcast platform of your choice.
Discussion Questions: Click here to download the PDF of entrusted Discussion Week Five
- Widows are some of the most vulnerable and voiceless members of our church family.
- The character of the Church is put on display in how we help its most helpless members, the widows.
- Teaching Elders are worthy of twofold honor: respect and renumeration.
Honor widows who are truly widows. — 1 Timothy 5:3
- Share a story about a woman who has walked in front of you like a spiritual mother or alongside you like a gospel friend. Include at least one way they have shaped you spiritually.
- Read 1 Timothy 5:3-16. What are some of the potential blessings, burdens, or pitfalls that widows may face?
- Have you ever spent time helping a widow? What did you do?
- What are some of the reasons we don’t intentionally include widows in the life of the church?
- Read 1 Timothy 5:17-25. What is one of the most profound lessons you have learned from a teaching elder/pastor?
- What practical way could you extend to them double honor?
- How can we come alongside elders’ families with prayer and support instead of gossip and criticism?
- What is the most life-giving word or deed that has encouraged you as you have sought to serve your church?
Thinking Biblically: Share one or two ways that reading chapter five and studying days one–four helps you to think biblically. (See pp. 88-90)
Living Covenantally: Share at least one of your personal reflections from day five and record the reflections of those from your group in your book. (See pp. 90-92)
- Characteristics of the Covenant
- Church Descriptions
- Stop—Look—Listen—Lean
Share your stewardship prayer: Thank You, God, for entrusting me with _____________________________
Give me the grace to invest it for Your glory and the good of Your Church in the following ways this week: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Record your prayers for your covenant community, church leaders, and personal prayer requests on p. 91 and then pray for one another.
Weekly Content: Link for Video; Link for Podcast; Weekly eblast
If you want to listen to the teaching, you can subscribe to the enCourage Podcast iTunes here or the podcast platform of your choice.
Discussion Questions: Click here to download the PDF of entrusted Discussion Week Six
- Slaves had an opportunity to put the gospel on display through their respect and service to their masters.
- Godliness with contentment is great gain.
- Our doctrine determines the trajectory of our lives.
- We have been entrusted with a deposit of truth to be invested for kingdom purposes.
. . . guard the deposit entrusted to you. — 1 Timothy 6:3
- Final week reflection: What was the sweetest sound doctrine entrusted to you during this study and how are you seeking to invest it for His Glory?
- Read 1 Timothy 6:1-2 & Colossians 3:22-24 – How can we put the gospel on display through our work?
- How are life-taking and life-giving words contagious? Have you seen life-taking false doctrine make people spiritually sick? How have you ever seen life-giving sound doctrine make spiritually sick people well?
- Is there any area of your life where you struggle to be content?
- How do you think godliness coupled with contentment is great gain for you and others?
- What does it look like for you to fight the good fight of faith where you live and work?
- How can understanding stewardship help us as women to cultivate a culture of generosity in our homes and churches?
- Share how guarding the sound doctrine entrusted to you to be invested is one of the greatest privileges of being a part of the Covenant Community.
Thinking Biblically: Share one or two ways that reading chapter six and studying days one–four helps you to think biblically. (See pp. 100-102)
Living Covenantally: Share at least one of your personal reflections from day five and record the reflections of those from your group in your book. (See pp. 103-105)
- Characteristics of the Covenant
- Church Descriptions
- Stop—Look—Listen—Lean
Share your stewardship prayer: Thank You, God, for entrusting me with _____________________________
Give me the grace to invest it for Your glory and the good of Your Church in the following ways this week: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Record your prayers for your covenant community, church leaders, and personal prayer requests on p. 104 and then pray for one another.
First Timothy invites us to open our heads, hearts, and hands as we open His Word to discover the good deposit of sound doctrine that has been entrusted to each of us. Our study of this pastoral epistle will challenge us to invest and steward these rich gifts to strengthen His Church. Paul shares his wisdom with young Timothy about what covenant life in the Church looks like as men and women serve alongside one another in such a way that the world leans in and looks to see a gospel picture. We will also see how sound doctrine leads to sound and godly living in our homes. It is our prayer that this Bible study will encourage weary women to stand firm and persevere in a corrosive culture for His glory.
Learn More about

- This six-week study includes teaching videos (at no charge) and a study and prayer journal.
- Used as PCA Denomination-wide Women’s Bible Study in Summer 2023, but can be used any time!
Group and single orders can be placed at PCABookstore.com. Also available to purchase as a PDF.
See FAQs below to find answers to your questions
We are so thankful you are studying along with us. Please feel free to structure the study in a way that best serves your group. We encourage you to make personal study and group discussion the priorities. Using the video or podcast is a great way to introduce your women to the content before the group meets or to reinforce what they have just discussed after the group meeting. It is also a tool that appeals to those who primarily learn best through auditory or visual learning. The focus of these tools is more for application and implications of the text.
You can purchase your print copy at the PCA Bookstore. There is a bulk discount so buy for a group, save the shipping, and have a porch pick up. Currently, the books are available for pre-order and should be ready to ship to have in time for the release of the first video in June.
They will be available at least through 2025.
The teaching videos are 25-30 minutes long.
Yes! We invite you to do the study in the summer, fall, or even next spring!
YES and YES! You can do it with women in your church, neighborhood or far away friends. I heard about a group of MTW missionaries who plan to study together and I loved the story of a grandmother who is doing it with her daughter and granddaughter. We have provided helpful tips and discussion questions. You could meet virtually or, Lord willing, in person. You could also do it individually at your own pace.
No! We’d love to have as many join as possible!
On this website, you will see links to weekly teaching videos. A new video will be released each week for 6 weeks in June/July. You can watch them anytime you’d like from the website.
Karen Hodge serves as the Coordinator for PCA Women’s Ministry, where she seeks to connect women and churches to one another and to sound resources. She is also having the time of her life serving alongside her husband, pastor and best friend Chris, as they serve at Village Seven Presbyterian Church in Colorado Springs, CO. Chris and Karen have two adult children, Anna Grace Botka and Haddon Hodge. She is the host of the enCourage podcast and along with Susan Hunt, authored Transformed: Life-taker to Life-giver, Life-giving Leadership, and Breathe: The Life-giving Oxygen of the Lord’s Prayer.
Susan Hunt is the widow of retired PCA pastor Gene Hunt. Susan lives in Marietta, GA surrounded by their three children and their families. She is the former Coordinator of Women’s Ministries and the author of several books for women and children.
If you are gathering as a group, it would be good to give everyone her copy of the book ahead of time. It works best to interact 3 times with the material: first in reading and answering questions, second in listening to/watching the videos, and third in discussing the small group questions.
Chapter 1 – Sound Doctrine Leads to Sound Living
Chapter 2 – Possessing and Professing Godliness
Chapter 3 – Church Conduct
Chapter 4 – Godliness Is Great Gain
Chapter 5 – Serving the Vulnerable and Voiceless
Chapter 6 – Doctrine Determines Direction
If you still have a question, email Kathy Wargo, kwargo@pcanet.org or call 678-825-1132.
Karen Hodge serves as the Coordinator for PCA Women’s Ministry, where she seeks to connect women and churches to one another and to sound resources. She is also having the time of her life serving alongside her husband, pastor and best friend Chris, as they serve at Village Seven Presbyterian Church in Colorado Springs, CO. Chris and Karen have two adult children, Anna Grace Botka and Haddon Hodge. She is the host of the enCourage podcast and along with Susan Hunt, authored Transformed: Life-taker to Life-giver, Life-giving Leadership, and Breathe: The Life-giving Oxygen of the Lord’s Prayer.
Susan Hunt is the widow of retired PCA pastor Gene Hunt. Susan lives in Marietta, GA surrounded by their three children and their families. She is the former Coordinator of Women’s Ministries and the author of several books for women and children.