Women’s Ministry Training
Thinking Biblically and Living Covenantally
A Covenantal Framework for Life and Ministry
Have a CDM Women’s Ministry trainer come to your site and equip your women to provide life-giving leadership that is Word-based and relationally driven. Learn how our theology shows us the way to healthy women’s ministry that contributes to building healthy churches.
Hosting a Training Event
The Women’s Ministries Trainers are women just like you. They serve in their PCA church’s women’s ministries. Their delight is to connect your church’s women’s ministry and presbytery to resources that will help the women you serve think biblically about all of life and then live out those truths in the context of community with the aim of strengthening the church.
- Our Women’s Ministry Training FAQs Brochure gives information about hosting a women’s ministry training at your presbytery or church.
- If you would like to have a trainer come to your church or presbytery, please contact Karen Hodge at khodge@pcanet.org.
- For more information about the topics covered at a training event, see the nine sessions of the Grid series of the enCourage podcast.
- For information about our individual trainers, go to our Leadership page.
Upcoming Women’s Ministry Training Dates
After Your Training: Follow-Up Resources
Training Bibliography
Bible Study Suggestions:
- There is an up-to-date list of recommended resources at: women.pcacdm.org/resources
- Presbyterian Church in America Website, pcanet.org. This site contains information for all the agencies and committees of the denomination. The women’s ministry section is in the CDM (Committee on Discipleship Ministries) portion.
- PCA Bookstore, pcabookstore.com, or 800–283–1357. Most of the resources listed in this bibliography are available online or by phone through this bookstore in Atlanta, GA. Bulk discounts are available.
- Book of Church Order, pcaac.org/resources/bco/
- Inquirers Guide to the PCA, edited Dennis Bennett. This Inquirer’s Guide is designed to introduce you to the PCA—its origins, its distinctives and its structure.