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Preparing Your Heart to Lead Others to the Word

How do you prepare your heart as a Bible teacher? Whether you’re teaching a class, sharing Biblical truth with a friend, or instructing your children, sharing the Bible can be intimidating. In this episode, Susan Tyner joins Karen Hodge to remind us that God is good, and He equips His children to share Him with others.

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  • Leadership Training with Susan Tyner and Paula Miles Link


Discussion Questions

  1. What are some of the classrooms of life that God has put you in as an instructor to others?
  2. What are some of your thoughts about what makes a great teacher?
  3. What are some of the obstacles that might keep you from feeling confidant to share God’s Word with others?
  4. Susan said, “Be willing to be a fool for Christ. He uses the humble. Get used to blushing a little bit for yourself.” How does that statement paired with John 10:4 and 2 Corinthians 12:9, make you feel about sharing God’s Word with others?
  5. Susan also said, “Your job is to show up and be ready, but God is the one responsible for changing hearts.” How does that truth take the pressure off of you as a teacher?

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Check out this episode!