How can we plan and promote PWM?

Events are one of the main ways PWM leaders can carry out ministry within the presbytery. Without caution, however, events can take on a life of their own and begin to drive the ministry. PWM leaders will want to carefully plan events that will help fulfill ministry purposes, without planning so many events that they interfere with the ministries of the local churches. PWMs should always plan far enough in advance so that local churches know what is available and can avoid undesired conflicts. Each PWM events should seek to include women from as many churches in the presbytery as possible, not just as attendees, but also in the planning and implementation of the event.

Building an effective communication structure is one of the most important responsibilities a PWM Coordinator or team will have. Where possible, it is important to determine one key contact person at each church in the presbytery who will effectively pass on information to other women in the church. PWM team members should try to build a two-way relationship with key contacts to better understand the characteristics and needs of churches, being mindful of this information when planning presbytery events.

Once key contacts have been identified in each church, it will make everything else much easier. Knowing what forms of communication are best for reaching this target audience is not an easy task, and will change over time. Nothing can ever replace face to face conversations, but determining the best mix of phone calls, email, social media, online meetings and other tools will take some flexibility and willingness to try new things for some people. In the internet age, there are always new tools being developed to help in this area, and having a generationally diverse team may help.