PWM Team Roles and Responsibilities

One of the roles of the Regional and At Large Advisors is to assist Presbytery Women’s Ministry leaders in the process of forming a strong team. (See Section VI. What resources are available?) The PCA Women’s Ministry Team can provide assistance with a) finding potential team members, b) learning how to intentionally approach women who serve in churches that have a unique cultural context, and c) can suggest ideas for reaching out to local churches for leadership. They can often help connect PWM leaders with women who share our covenantal values of reaching the unreached, and providing fellowship and discipleship to every woman in the denomination and beyond.

Each woman who will be a part of this team should:

  • Share the covenantal values outlined in Section I. What is PWM?
  • Have demonstrated her ability to lead in some particular area of ministry
  • Be a member in good standing of her local church and have the blessing and support of her church Session to serve in PWM
  • Demonstrate teachability (because there is no perfect person available for these jobs, we all have growing to do)

The PWM Coordinator should be a person who is able to:

  • Nurture the members of the team, and lead them in nurturing the local church women leaders.
  • Facilitate collaboration among older and younger women, helping them work together to demonstrate cross-generational ministry. The coordinator and team should intentionally strive to enfold younger generations into leadership; welcoming the wealth of knowledge they offer, hearing their viewpoint and understanding of current culture and church dynamic, training and equipping them for future and continued leadership, while comprehensively valuing the foundation laid by earlier generations.
  • Attend the PCA Women’s Leadership Training Conference each year if possible, bringing as many team members as they can. Often, a presbytery is willing to financially assist one or two women from the team to attend. The LT Conference provides a great opportunity for PWM leaders to connect with one another to share PWM ideas and resources for events and connection tools. The PWM leadership team can then work to pass on what is shared from LT to the leaders in local churches who were not able to attend.
  • Understand the Biblical Foundations for serving women in the covenant community. CDM provides a variety of training and resources to help with this.
  • Answer questions (or connect to people or resources that can answer questions) from local church leaders related to their ministry.
  • Maintain a communication forum with women leaders from as many churches within the presbytery as possible, with the goal of having contact with someone at every church who can effectively share women’s ministry information to their members.
  • Connect with the PCA Women’s Ministry Team as needed for suggestions of women to contact in churches with whom the PWM Coordinator is less familiar. Regional and At Large Advisors often have had opportunities to make connections and could assist PWM leaders with making contact.
  • Communicate with the presbytery CE Chairman and provide in-person reports to presbytery if asked or needed.
  • Communicate to the PCA Women’s Ministry assistant any changes of names and addresses of the local Women’s Ministry leaders and/or contacts and pastors.
  • Plan presbytery-wide events as needed for leadership training, spiritual growth, and building relationships within the women’s ministries of the presbytery.

Possible other team member roles could include (but should not be limited to):

  • PWM Co-Coordinator:
    • Partner with Coordinator to serve in all the ways listed above
  • PWM Treasurer:
    • Keep an account of all monies coming into or leaving the PWM Women’s Ministry account
    • Provide an annual financial report to the presbytery
  • PWM Events Coordinator:
    • Plan special events or conferences for PWM in collaboration with Coordinator and team
  • PWM Communications Coordinator:
    • Assist the PWM Coordinator with the dissemination of women’s ministry information to all churches and women in the presbytery (ideas include social media pages, e-newsletters, emails, etc.)
  • PWM Hospitality Coordinator:
    • Assist with planning food, decorations, or other efforts of hospitality on behalf of the PWM team

**Note:  While team-based ministry is the goal, sometimes leadership teams start small with one or two willing leaders and require time to grow and build momentum. One- or two-person PWM teams can be prayed for and supported by national team members as needed.