Daughters of the Covenant
and Leader’s Guide

Daughters of the Covenant
By Susan Hunt, Barbara Thompson, with Karen Hodge

Some forty years ago two friends began learning a covenantal perspective of Scripture. It seemed God’s Word was unlocked and the glory of His redemption story was revealed to them. In 2003, they shared what they had learned in The Legacy of Biblical Womanhood. So, why update such a well-loved book?

Susan Hunt and Barbara Thompson explain: “We have grown in our understanding and experience of God’s covenant love and our adoption into His family. . . . This sacred stewardship of Word-based content has been refined and validated in the context of community. . . . The time is ripe to entrust it to another generation of readers.”

To help with this task they called on their spiritual daughter, Karen Hodge. It is the covenant way. In Daughters of the Covenant these three combine their experience to teach new generations how God’s covenant promises and principles inform and influence every role and relationship, how they change attitudes, ambitions, and actions, and how they shape and sustain.

Author bios:
Susan Hunt is the widow of PCA pastor, Gene Hunt, a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. She is the former PCA Coordinator for Women’s Ministry and author of several books including Heirs of the Covenant, and TRUE, the discipleship curriculum series on biblical womanhood for teen girls. She co-authored Transformed: Life-taker to Life-giver and Life-giving Leadership with Karen Hodge as well as Aging with Grace with Sharon Betters. She has also written several books for children.

Barbara Thompson has served in several roles in Women’s Ministry with the PCA. She is a retired social worker who worked in adoption and child care services. Barbara and her husband, Mark, moved to Jackson, MS to be near family and are members of Redeemer Presbyterian Church.

Karen Hodge serves as the Coordinator for PCA Women’s Ministry where she seeks to connect women and churches to one another and to sound resources. She also serves alongside her husband, pastor, and best friend Chris, at Village Seven Presbyterian Church in Colorado Springs, CO. They have two adult children. Karen is the host of the enCourage podcast and co-author of Transformed: Life-taker to Life-giver and Life-giving Leadership with Susan Hunt.