Women’s Ministry Resources
CDM strengthens your church by connecting you to the resources you need for Women’s Ministry.
Whether you are creating a Women’s Ministry from scratch or looking for help reenergizing an existing ministry, CDM can help! This includes resources we have gathered from PCA churches across the country and resources our Women’s Ministry Team have developed to strengthen your church. If you have a resource you would be willing to share or a resource you would like us to develop, we want to hear from you. Email us.
Newest Resources
Some forty years ago two friends began learning a covenantal perspective of Scripture. It seemed God’s Word was unlocked and the glory of His redemption story was revealed to them. In 2003, they shared what they had learned in The Legacy of Biblical Womanhood. So, why update such a well-loved book?
Susan Hunt and Barbara Thompson explain: “We have grown in our understanding and experience of God’s covenant love and our adoption into His family. . . . This sacred stewardship of Word-based content has been refined and validated in the context of community. . . . The time is ripe to entrust it to another generation of readers.”
To help with this task they called on their spiritual daughter, Karen Hodge. It is the covenant way. In Daughters of the Covenant these three combine their experience to teach new generations how God’s covenant promises and principles inform and influence every role and relationship, how they change attitudes, ambitions, and actions, and how they shape and sustain.
Author bios:
Susan Hunt is the widow of PCA pastor, Gene Hunt, a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother. She is the former PCA Coordinator for Women’s Ministry and author of several books including Heirs of the Covenant, and TRUE, the discipleship curriculum series on biblical womanhood for teen girls. She co-authored Transformed: Life-taker to Life-giver and Life-giving Leadership with Karen Hodge as well as Aging with Grace with Sharon Betters. She has also written several books for children.
Barbara Thompson has served in several roles in Women’s Ministry with the PCA. She is a retired social worker who worked in adoption and child care services. Barbara and her husband, Mark, moved to Jackson, MS to be near family and are members of Redeemer Presbyterian Church.
Karen Hodge serves as the Coordinator for PCA Women’s Ministry where she seeks to connect women and churches to one another and to sound resources. She also serves alongside her husband, pastor, and best friend Chris, at Village Seven Presbyterian Church in Colorado Springs, CO. They have two adult children. Karen is the host of the enCourage podcast and co-author of Transformed: Life-taker to Life-giver and Life-giving Leadership with Susan Hunt.
Filled with shocking language and uncomfortable spiritual realities, the Book of Hosea is unlike any other book in the Bible and yet is a summary of the whole of Scripture. It is the graphic story of our holy God’s deep love, relentless pursuit, and transformation of His faithless and sinful people. With plot twists expected in a romantic movie, God called the prophet Hosea to marry and love the unfaithful prostitute, Gomer, to live out the reality of God’s relationship with Israel.
This summer join teacher Paula Miles and women throughout the PCA for a behind-the-scenes study of the prophet’s dramatic story and our place within it. Experience in Hosea the relentless—persistent, incessant, unwavering, and persevering—pursuit of the Lord.
Go to our webpage for information on videos and other information.
In every church every Sunday—if we were all honest with each other—are men and women weighed down by life lived in this fallen world. So, is the command to “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2), only for the ordained? How does the male leadership minister to women who are hurting, suffering, and in crisis? What if there is a church discipline issue?
Alongside Care: A Vision for Churches to Care for Women in Crisis provides reasons for and guidelines to start a ministry to the hurting women of your church, for women and men to walk with them in crisis and point them to the hope believers have in Christ.
Alongside Care has been intentionally written by a variety of authors who represent churches of different sizes and demographics that implement Alongside Care in differing ways in their contexts. Each contributor shares stories, experiences, and bears witness to what the Lord has done through such a ministry. Gather your session members, your women’s ministry leaders, and those who have a heart for hurting women in the church. Read the book together. Discuss the questions. Then consider how you can implement Alongside Care in your specific context.
There are also videos available to go along with the study. For an individual to watch the 10 videos, the cost is $15. For a church to watch the 10 videos, the cost is $75. [If a church purchases access to the videos but individuals in the church want to watch them on their own, you can share your log-in information with them.]
To order the book, go to the PCA Bookstore.
To order the videos, go to our new Digital site at https://digital.pcacdm.org to pay for access to the streaming videos.
For more information about the book and videos, go to https://women.pcacdm.org/what-a-royal-mess.
Resources for your Bible Studies
A few times a year, CDM publishes studies and books we believe will serve the church. We are selective in the books we offer because our objective is providing churches with resources they can trust, resources that are Biblically based and relationally focused, resources that will equip and encourage individuals to grow in their faith.
We have an extensive library of resources for Women’s Ministry. We have always been committed to developing resources that are foundational to a biblical philosophy of women’s ministry. These materials are designed to teach women to think biblically about all of life, including issues specifically related to being a woman.
Women’s Ministry Recommended Resources – 2025
Women’s MInistry Leadership Development Resources
The PCA Bookstore has resources you can trust. Most are discounted, and all of them have been reviewed by our team. You can see the resources we recommend HERE.
A few times a year, CDM publishes studies and books we believe will serve the church. We are selective in the books we offer because our objective is providing churches with resources they can trust, resources that are Biblically based and relationally focused, resources that will equip and encourage individuals to grow in their faith.
We have an extensive library of resources for Women’s Ministry. We have always been committed to developing resources that are foundational to a biblical philosophy of women’s ministry. These materials are designed to teach women to think biblically about all of life, including issues specifically related to being a woman.
Women’s Ministry Recommended Resources – 2025
Women’s Ministry Leadership Development Resources
The PCA Bookstore has resources you can trust. Most are discounted, and all of them have been reviewed by our team. You can see the resources we recommend HERE.
A few times a year, CDM publishes studies and books we believe will serve the church. We are selective in the books we offer because our objective is providing churches with resources they can trust, resources that are Biblically based and relationally focused, resources that will equip and encourage individuals to grow in their faith.
We have an extensive library of resources for Women’s Ministry. We have always been committed to developing resources that are foundational to a biblical philosophy of women’s ministry. These materials are designed to teach women to think biblically about all of life, including issues specifically related to being a woman.
Women’s Ministry Recommended Resources – 2025
Women’s Ministry Leadership Development Resources
The PCA Bookstore has resources you can trust. Most are discounted, and all of them have been reviewed by our team. You can see the resources we recommend HERE.
A few times a year, CDM publishes studies and books we believe will serve the church. We are selective in the books we offer because our objective is providing churches with resources they can trust, resources that are Biblically based and relationally focused, resources that will equip and encourage individuals to grow in their faith.
We have an extensive library of resources for Women’s Ministry. We have always been committed to developing resources that are foundational to a biblical philosophy of women’s ministry. These materials are designed to teach women to think biblically about all of life, including issues specifically related to being a woman.
Women’s Ministry Recommended Resources – 2025
Women’s Ministry Leadership Development Resources
The PCA Bookstore has resources you can trust. Most are discounted, and all of them have been reviewed by our team. You can see the resources we recommend HERE.
Summer Study Recommendations (that can be used at any time!)
Our suggested study for Summer 2025 is Colossians and Philemon, That In Everything Christ Might Be Preeminent, written by Sarah Ivill.
See our webpage with videos and more information about the study.
Our suggested study for Summer 2024 is No Empty Word: Relentless Pursuit, a study on Hosea, written by Paula Miles.
Click here to order books, view videos, and more!
Our suggested study for Summer 2023 was entrusted to be invested, a study on 1 Timothy, written by Karen Hodge and Susan Hunt.
Click here for the page where you can order books, view videos, see discussion questions, and more!
For a Bible study on the Lord’s Prayer please order your copy of Breathe: The Life-giving Oxygen of the Lord’s Prayer from the PCA Bookstore and go to our Breathe webpage for free videos, and discussion questions, and other encouraging information.
For a Bible study on the messy women in Jesus’s genealogy, please order your What’s SHE Doing Here? book from the PCA Bookstore and go to our What’s SHE Doing Here? webpage that has all of the free videos, discussion questions, and other encouraging information.
For a Bible study on the book of Ephesians, please order your Hinged Bible Study from the PCA Bookstore and go to our Hinged Bible Study webpage that has all of the free videos, discussion questions, and other encouraging information.
Leadership Training . . . Women’s Ministry Helpful Resources
In an effort to serve you well, we offer these resources from a variety of PCA churches. Be encouraged that the beautiful diversity of the PCA should be reflected in the different structures of our presbyteries. Our intention is not to prescribe any specific model, but to help you develop a structure that best serves the context of your presbytery/church. Keep in mind that although structures are a means of needed organization, we do not live to serve the structure.
- Installation of Officers
- Women’s Ministry Plan Worksheet – Developing a Faith Plan
- Sample Survey for Women’s Ministry
- Kingdom Model of Discipleship Video (Teri Anderson)
- Biblical Womanhood Video (Connie Miller)
- Investing in Women’s Ministry Video (Stephen Estock)
- Women’s Ministry Video (Karen Hodge)
- Encouragement When Leadership Takes a Toll Video (Susan Tyner)
- Officers’ Information Forms
- Planning Notes for Restructuring Your Women’s Ministry
- Pray / Play / Plan
- Securing Your Next Guest Speaker
- Prayer Guide for Church Leaders
- Tips on Getting Women to Serve with You
- Women’s Ministry Icebreaker – Speed Dating
- Curriculum Evaluation Form Rubric
- Box Talk Guidelines
- Life-giving Leadership Inventory
- Intergenerational Favorite Things Icebreaker
For additional resources, you can order Life-giving Leadership from the PCA Bookstore.
- Preparing Your Heart as a Bible Study Leader Video by Lisa Hellier
- Hope of the Gospel in the Hearts of Women Video by Tami Resch
- How Do I Ask Good Questions in My Small Group by Stephen Estock
- Bible Studies We Recommend from Our Bookstore
- 10 Essential Tips for Handling Group Dynamics
Articles Gathered by Teri Anderson, Women’s Ministry Trainer:
Other Helpful Resources
Marriage – Recommended Resources
Videos, questions, and resources on key doctrines and Women’s Ministry topics
The purpose of Women’s Ministry Connection Series is to help connect women to key doctrines and Women’s Ministry topics. Use any of the videos for your own personal encouragement or share them with your Women’s Ministry to invite women to connect in conversation around these truths. Each video is paired with some questions to get you started, as well as some resources to dig deeper on the featured topics. To get started click on a topic below, watch the video, and then browse through the companion questions and resources!
View Women’s Ministry Connection Videos
Audio and video files from previous conferences:
2016 Transformed Conference Resources (videos and book)
2018 Women’s Leadership Training (audio and handouts)
2018 ONE Conferences (audio)
2019 Women’s Leadership Training (audio and handouts)
2020 Women’s Leadership Training (audio and handouts)
2022 Women’s Leadership Training
Becoming a True Woman
The True Teen Journal (Year One, Two, Three)
This three-year discipleship curriculum for teen girls teaches foundational principles of biblical womanhood—and so much more. The series offers discipleship journals for the girls to keep and a leader’s guide and collateral reading for the discipler. This material can be used in a variety of situations such as:
- Mothers and daughters
- Discipleship groups in churches
- Christian schools
- An individual woman discipling a teen girl
- Intergenerational group of girls and women
- Cooperative effort of the women’s ministry and youth ministry in a local church